Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Priya's Alexander Blog Post

Alexander the Great was and still is a great person. He was highly influential and cared about his troops. During war he used big and bold war tactics that his troops followed. His relationships with his troops and his amazing war tactics he never lost a battle in the 15 years he was in charge before he died. As he conquered and established the lands he did not swipe their religions and beliefs but integrated them into their existing culture.
Alexander the Great deserves his name because of many things. He was a great and courageous leader when they needed it most. "What a horse they are losing, because, for
lack of skill and courage, they cannot manage him!" (Plutarch, The Parallel Lives). Alexander was a strong and brave kid and showed it in many ways like at a very young age he trained a horse named Bucephalus that was untamable by anyone else. The horse and him grew to be inseparable after a while. He when everywhere on Bucephalus even for long periods of time. The Persian Satraps set up an army to fight Alexander specifically and waited for him on the east banks of the Granicus River. Alexander knew about the set up but kept going and did not turn back around. This helped the troops gain confidence in their leader and followed what he was saying. Alexander led his guard cavalry across the Persian Line across the Granicus River. Macedonians from all over were amazed at the stunning victory by Alexander’s power and strength. This victory established him as strong and a bold leader. His troops looked up to him and were inspired. After this battle he succeeded again and again and at Gaugamela. He also left Macedonia with an army including Macedonian and Greek soldiers from the League of Corinth that his father King Philip created after a win at his first win at his first Battle of Chaeronea. The League of Corinth was crossed the Dardanelles into Asia and defeated Persia with a small army with approximately 30,000 infantry and 5000 cavalry. As he conquered and developed all these new places he did not diminish the people and specifically the cultures he combined and integrated them into his existing way of life. This culture that was created as a result of all of the different kind of religions including Persia, India and many other places and cultures. Helped his people in many different ways not just in military but he influenced people and showed strength by winning wars but also set a great example for everyone to follow. He was a very influential person and many people looked up to him.

       Many people from Alexander's time looked up to him and also people from ancient times after his existence looked up to him. A lot of people like Alexander for many reasons. Some people liked him and even copied his military tactics and strategies like Julius Caesar. Alexander the Great's tomb has always been a big popular attraction even in ancient times. Many famous roman emperors like Pompey, Julius Caesar and Caligula have traveled to Alexandria to go visit his tomb and pay their respects. Many kings and emperors have reportedly tried again and again but have failed to do so. Alexander is still one of the best military leaders of all times. Owen Jarus, a live science contributor explains how he thinks Alexander was a good leader and person and that his greatest legacy is that he formed a Greek centered civilization that has one language and a well rounded community.  "Perhaps Alexander's greatest legacy was founding great cities and spreading the Greek culture"(Alexander The Great Accomplishments, Owen Jarus). Alexandria in Egypt is a state with over four point five million people and a very prosperous country created by Alexander. After Alexander died his people fought over who could keep the land. They kept on fighting to get to carry on the legacy but no one was strong enough or bold enough to rule the whole big empire so it split into many different states and countries. Many parts got each piece that they could get. This shows that his land meant a lot and people would do anything to rule his great civilization.

      Alexander the Great did so much in his short time of rule before his death and it impacted people countries and religions. He conquered many different places like Syria,
Egypt, Persia, parts of India and many other places. His empire covered most of present day Europe and Asia. While he conquered and established many countries he also spread his countries culture and integrated many other cultures, into one. He also spread the Greek language among the conquered countries so it would make life a lot easier. This was good in many ways because now the countries had a main language that everyone knew instead of having five different languages and to speak to other countries they would have to learn more than one. This also made trade between different regions easier and people knew what the trade was and could understand if the exchange was fair or not. Having one language also made learning a lot easier for the younger generations because they could learn to read, write and speak the same language and get more practice among their peers. This also helped the military because the commander or general could give instructions and everyone could understand it if the instructions were something crucial. He also influenced many people including his own army to be strong and courageous. As he was out conquering places he pushed his army to keep fighting and discovering and conquering new land. They got to the Indian border and he kept wanting to fight but his army was so tired and begging him to stop fighting and to go back home. They finally convinced him but it took a lot of effort. If they had not stopped him and he had not died he probably would have conquered and ruled all of Asia. "There is nothing impossible to him who will try" (Alexander The Great).

Alexander the Great was a great person in many ways. He was kind to his troops and cared about them. He also inspired them to keep fighting even when it was hard. He made big and bold moves when it came to war and always succeeded in his 15 years of war experience. Alexander again was and still is a great human to people this day.

Works Cited
“Alexanders Conquests.”
“Alexander’s Impact.”,
Alexander the Great. ABC-CLIO eBook Collection, Accessed 28 Sept. 2016.
“Alexander the Great.”,
Alexander the Great. Facts on File, Accessed 25 Sept. 2016.
“Alexander the Great.”,
“Alexander the Great.”,
Alexander the Great. History Study Center, Accessed 26 Sept. 2016.
Plutarch. Facts on File,*/3.html. Accessed 28 Sept. 2016.


  1. 1. I liked how you went into detail about Bucephalus; the horse demonstrates Alexander’s greatness very well.
    2. I didn’t notice any contradictions to my research.
    3. Maybe focusing on specific events rather than a full summary of Alexander’s life would make your point a bit clearer, but I thought as a whole it was good. :)

  2. 1. I really like how she made almost an entire paragraph about how Julius Caesar, as well as other past leaders, looked up to Alexander’s strategies and leadership skills. The really backed up her thesis statements, and fit in really well with her blog.
    2. My research was similar to Priya’s. We both researched on Bucephalus and Julius Caesar. This allowed me to really understand the material that she was writing about in her blog. Though, she did focus more on the areas of land that Alexander conquered, and I think that this really worked well in her blog.
    3. I wish that she would have left her conclusion paragraph with more of an impact on the readers. I was waiting to be left with a new thought after reading the concluding paragraph, and I did not. Even so, I think that Priya did a very good job.

  3. I thought it was interesting how she showed Alexander’s relationship with his troops.
    I didn’t find much information on his troops. My research mainly showed what he did and left out his troops.
    I don’t think there should be anything else mentioned.
