Thursday, September 29, 2016

Alexander Was Great!

War Image of Alexander's Army
     Alexander The Great is one of the most debated characters in history. For every world inspiring action he does something seen as horrible. Overall, Alexander can be looked at as great. He was great because of his compassion towards his soldiers, his conquering of civilizations, and his perseverance. Alexander had a growth mindset, he always wanted to keep going and discover more. He wasn't just a military leader, he was also educated about the humanities from philosopher Aristotle. He struggled to form a relationship with his father because his father was always away on        conquest. This is the primary reason Alexander was always filled with paranoia and anxiety. Although his actions are not admirable they are understandable. The world of public opinion mostly agrees that Alexander was great. His name alone shows the basic knowledge of Alexander. Alexander was great, he carried many traits a military leader should have.
    Before we can draw conclusions about his greatness we have to understand his upbringing and ask why did Alexander do what he did?  Alexander's father was Phillip the second. Phillip was married to Olympias, Alexander's mother. He exiled her in Alexander's teenage years causing Phillip and Alexander's relationship to suffer. Alexander was distressed because of this, he had severe anxiety and paranoia. Alexander had already resented his father because of his absence in Alexander's childhood. When Phillip married Cleopatra, Alexander despised his father. Alexander and his father had a very poor relationship. He says "I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well." -Alexander The Great. This quote confirms that Alexander only thanks his father for conceiving him, he thanks his teacher for his education and his being able to express personality. Alexander had a rough early life. His childhood story gives us a  better idea of who Alexander was and the reasons he had the traits that he did.
Alexander The Great Statue

      Alexander was great because of his world changing accomplishments. He traveled over 3,000 in 13 years by foot. During those 13 years, he spread the Greek culture and conquered civilizations. He wasn't forcing his values on the people he conquered and he wasn't enslaving them either. Alexander had a lot of sympathy and compassion for his subordinates. One anecdote says that Alexander helped heal a sick soldier he saw marching one morning. Alexander wouldn't let his soldiers violate captured women, if they did they were sentenced to death. Alexander did have trust issues, being at the top of the chain gave him severe paranoia and anxiety. He was always afraid that his subjects would kill him and take his place. Alexander killed the people he was suspicious of and the people who argued with him. Alexander says "There is nothing impossible to him who will try" (Alexander The Great). This quote shows Alexander's most important trait. He always conquers more and keeps going and takes up every opportunity. Alexander never overcame his paranoia, but looking at the bigger picture he caused the spreading the Hellenistic culture. The Hellenistic culture brought greek literature, architecture, and ideas around eastern Europe. The spread of this culture gave the world an easier way to communicate because everyone he conquered were using the same dialect of the same  Alexander was a strong leader that influenced our world today.

     The world of public opinion has mostly agreed with my point of view. If they agreed fully, this question would not be needed. But, the name 'Alexander The Great' sets the tone because it shows that he is educated to people as a heroic figure. The people who say he was great would argue that Alexander had defeated every civilization bordering Greece and beyond without the benefit of modern technology. Julius Caesar, leader of Ancient Rome would agree that Alexander was great. Caesar would say that Alexander was an inspiring strong and active man. He says, "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion" (Alexander The Great). This quote describes Alexander's beliefs in how to lead a military. He says that the leader is what makes the military strong. The military can be any number of weak looking people, its the leader that ties the army together. Most people are drawn to Alexander because of this, he's not the typical military leader. Alexander had all the traits a great leader would need. 

     Alexander was great. He conquered civilizations and possessed the traits any great leader would need. His negative flaws can be understood because of his upbringing. If the child's father was out of the picture and disrespectful to his mother, it is almost accepted that Alexander would have trust issues. However, a whole life of positive change can not be judged by his negative actions. Alexander was educated by one of the most influential early philosophers in more than just war strategies. Alexander was a well rounded leader, he understood his soldiers, he was well educated, and he knew how to train a military.

Works Cited:

Adkins, Lesley, and Roy Adkins. Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece. New York, 
     Facts On File, 1997. 

Jarus, Owen. "Alexander the Great: Facts, Biography & Accomplishments." 
     Livescience, 27 Sept. 2013, 
     39997-alexander-the-great.html. Accessed 29 Sept. 2016. 

"Alexander the Great." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004. 28 Sep. 2016         <>.

"Plutarch, the Parallel Lives." Bill Thayer's Website, 15 Sept. 2012,*/3.html. 

    Shaley-Jensen, Michael, editor. Ancient World. Amenia, Grey House, 1992. 


  1. 1. I found it very interesting when you talked about his family life and relationship with his father more in depth. I think that most people overlook his upbringing, so it was fascinating to learn more about.

    2. I did not see that Alexander suffered from paranoia and often felt that people were trying to overthrow him as king, so that was interesting to read about and ties in with some of the more questionable things he did during his time.

    3. I would have liked to know more about Alexander’s education as a child and the things he believed and was taught.

  2. 1. I liked how David mentioned that Alexander did do terrible things, but then explained to why he still thought Alexander was great.
    2. My research said the same thing as David’s except I talked more on what led up to him becoming king, and that he was not just a ruthless leader.
    3. I wish David had mentioned more in depth on his humanity and compassions.

  3. 1. The background of Alexander’s family was very interesting, I did not think of to include so much about his parents.
    2. I do not agree that you think Alexander had great compassion to his soldiers, or they would not have wanted to turn around. I found more reasons that he wasn’t great but your points are good.
    3. I wish you would have mentioned more about his education, that his something in my mind that made him great.
